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The Middleware as Platform for IT Application Services


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OpenSOAP Sample Programs

The following sample programs are included in the package:

Go to Sample Directory

OpenSOAP Samples

The following examples have been prepared as OpenSOAP sample programs.
For more details please read the README file in each of the directories.

To compile, the Makefile provided in each directory ${DIR}.mak is used,
and not the Makefile generated by the configure command.
  $ make -f Hello.mak clean  (If executables were generated by the full compile)
  $ make -f Hello.mak

In order to use, the service commands must be installed in the CGI-BIN,
and necessary files in the OpenSOAP Server directory.
  $ vi Hello.mak (If necessary modify CGI_BIN_DIR)
  $ su
  # make -f Hello.mak install
  -> The HelloService.cgi, HelloService and Hello.ssml are copied.
    (If the ssml file has been modified, you must 'reload' the OpenSOAP server)

Test rules in the ${DIR}.mak files are available. To verify, use the make
command as follows.
  $ make -f Hello.mak stest   (Service Test)
  $ make -f Hello.mak ctest   (Client Test)

A very simple service/client sample.
If a name is supplied by the client, the service will respond with that name.

A very simply implemented service/client calculation sample.

An asynchronous compatible Calc(simple arithmetic) service/client sample.
It is possible to test asynchronous processing.

This uses the CalcAsync service.
It is possible to test maximum specified 'hop count' processing.

This uses the CalcAsync service.
It is possible to test specified host processing.

A simple arithmetic client and service sample code.

Hello sample secure version.
An OpenSOAP security function usage and execution example.

A shopping Web service service/client sample. Sychronous only, asynchronous,

Security verification sample.
This includes both a data registration command(Regist) and a certificate
acquisition service/client(GetCert).

Sample code illustrating a very basic usage of the OpenSOAP API.

Sample code illustrating the use of OpenSOAP security features.

Transaction processing sample.

This has changed to ShoppingSec(as of 1.0pre2).

The PING implementation displaying the service response time.
Moved to the basic service tool(src/tools/). (from 1.0-20021031)

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